Wednesday 11 July 2007

Grand Ole Opry, Louisville,KY, and Indianapolis

Day 3: Nashville to Louisville to Indianapolis - 287 miles...
We drove down to Music Row to see the Grand Ole Opry House this morning. It is quite big, interesting architecture, and although I do not care for country music in general (that's being polite), it was rather cool standing in front of it (but hot outside).

On the way to Louisville (Kentucky), we passed the Corvette factory in Bowling Green, right next to the highway. Next to it is a "National" Corvette Museum. We also saw a couple of large signs posted on private farmland along the freeway that I wish I had the camera ready for. The first was a large black sign with white letters: "Jesus died for our sins". About 25 miles north of there the second sign read "Hell is real". Directly across the highway from this sign was a large adult bookstore.We stopped in downtown Louisville for lunch at the Hard Rock on 4th street. There were other places to eat but most looked like bars. The Hard Rock always has good food in my experiences. 4th street was closed off for a block and there was a large bandstand setup. I think 4th street there is the happening nightlife clubin' area. The band was tuning up on the stage in the middle of the street as we were leaving. Country music of course. Not that there is anything wrong with that... Just don't make me listen.

Arrived in Indianapolis about 8 pm local time. Which is Eastern. I did not realize that until we arrived. If you look at a map, Indianapolis looks to be almost straight north of Nashville. But the timezone line follows the western edge of Indiana. So we went from 2 days in Eastern time (Carolinas), to a day in Central time (Nashville), and back to Eastern (Indy). Like I didn't already have enough trouble dealing with the time change. Our hotel in Indy is on what appears to be a small man-made lake. A couple of restaurants and a bunch of condo buildings surround it.

View from the hotel room (sorry about the window reflection)...

Ok, that's about it for today. And I better get to bed since my eyes are barely able to - oh wait, make that "eye" (the other one is already closed) - stay open.
Ciao, and keep on bloggin'


seamatey said...

Hey Jeff and Roy...
This sounds like a great trip for you both..what fun!
Meanwhile back in LV...your mom is relishing the shows on the tube that your dad skims over....(the History Channel and the News have not been seen since your dad hit the airport). She's been watching reality TV about babies and such...girly stuff! Too funny.
You never mentioned if you boys stopped at the "adult" store...huh?
Welcome to the mid-west!!!You better pick up a bumper sticker or two that have Jesus on them somewhere. There's a huge statue of Jesus from the chest up with his arms stretched to the sky right off the highway between Dayton and Cincinnati the nickname is "touchdown Jesus". Great if you're a Buckeye's fan!! It's certainly worth the trip!!!
Then again you can sing Kinky Friedman's famous song, "They don't make Jews like Jesus anymore". (Last I heard he was running for the Governor of Texas)
I hope by the time you get through the midwest you two should be pro cow tippers!!
Have safe...See you in Las Vegas some time...
P.S. I just love your mother!!!

manowarplayer said...

About time! I thought you fell asleep or something and drove in to a fence in Grady or something (if you get THAT pop culture reference I'll be suprised!).

I can just see you and your Dad going into the Adult Bookstore together. Reminds me of that scene with Jason Biggs and Eugene Levy in American Pie where they are discussing a woman in a umm... magazine. What I wouldn't give to be a fly on THAT wall! lol

You really need to include some shots of you and your dad AT these places - how do we really know you have been there and aren't just uploading images you found on Google?

What the hell happened to Clyde and Audrey? I thought they were going to contribute to this blog too. I think you need to give them some grief about abandoning your journalistic efforts.

Well, as the most prolific poster here, I'm done for the night. Have a good drive tomorrow and update us again soon.


Unknown said...

On the Chris Isaak show (a mockumentary of life on the road), the hotel was in a different time zone from the venue...

I like the little arrow on the blog map, but are you there yet?
Where are the pictures of the car? Pictures at every stop, is that so much to ask...

Follow Scott's pop culture reference and "Get off the interstate..."
You might end up in Radiator Springs.

While passing though Chicago stop here:
6754 W. 63rd Street
Chicago, IL 60638
Program it into the Nav.

Uncle Jeff said...

Yes Scott, I got the reference.
Chicago was nearly a gridlock. We went down to Navy Pier and parked. Walked around for about an hour. It took us 1.5 hours to get out of the Chicago area.

manowarplayer said...

Hmmmm... I dunno Clark... you could be just saying you got the reference. Usually people explain the reference when they say they got it. (Another reference by the way! lol)

We need more pictures btw. This blog is like "pictures lite".